



The Challenge

Collaboration amongst us humans in the Anthropocene is no longer just a nice to have.

The interface of our democracy is falling behind our desire and need for more agency. Trust and Integrity within our legacy governance institutions are currently at an all-time low. We have exceeded the limitations of voting and have moved beyond representative politics. The spirit of our Earth is inviting us to grow.

Our Purpose

Tula advances the integration of citizen agency into existing governance systems by :

  1. Creating a virtual & hybrid space specific to hosting Citizen Assemblies & Mini Publics.
  2. Conveening a global community of Master Facilitators.
  3. Advancing the culture and art of meeting technologies and methodologies.

Our Intention

Tula exists to re-imagine civic agency so to advance conversations while upholding values of regeneration towards people, place and our planet.

We guide conversations and the spaces that hold them with reverence where spontaneity, emergence and sense of belonging in a shared space are enabled.

What facilitators can do in a.png


The Team

Founded by democratic technology pioneers.


Adam is the founder of Tula and a respected voice in the field of Humane Technology and evolved democracies. He was nominated for the United Nations High Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence and advocates for an improvement in our democratic interface that’s compatible with the today we share. As an impact entrepreneur and ambassador for the World Peace Tartan, he is dedicated to creating better and more meaningful ways for humans to conviene and govern. Adam's focus is on improving the quality of our conversations in an internet-enabled society.